Our team of experienced professionals is ready to help diagnose any technology problem and explore solutions with you. Since 1992, our customers have benefited from our full range of integrated technology solutions and services.
Technology Needs Assessment
The main objective of our Technology Needs Assessment is to provide professional technical advice - without all the sales pressure!
Start with an Informative Technology Needs Assessment from Powercom It is designed to answer some important technology questions. It will help build a multi-year technology plan for you and people you support.
Our Needs Assessment is designed to assess your current situation and focus on how to plan your technology requirements for the foreseeable future This exercise will help you start planning for emerging technologies

Fast Track Design/Build Projects
Fast Track Design/Build contracts provide the owner with a single point of contact which fosters direct interaction and coordination between the owner and the selected technology partner. Powercom acts as a direct agent for our clients in these cases.
We cover all aspects of the project from technical design, to creating a statement of work, project management and coordination, installation, testing and certification, through to the final transition meeting in which we provide the client with a turn-key implementation
On-Going Services Contract
Powercom has designed a technology partnership program specifically to address all Moves. Adds and Changes (MAC'S) within your organization Depending on the nature of your business, a contract with Powercom to handle all your MAC work will be more cost effective than a call-by-call basis.
What is service contracting?
Service contracting is the repair, maintenance upgrading, installation or moving a part of the client's existing data communications system. Service contracting can best be handled with a long-term commitment by both parties.
What are the client benefits of a long-term commitment?
Easy access to Powercom's expert technicians
Preferential service - usually within 24 hours
Powercom will attempt to assign the same technician(s) to your site